Bob Dolby, President of Cambridge University Rugby Fives Club and Deputy President of the RFA, has just sent us the excellent news that the three Rugby Fives courts in the new Cambridge University Sports Centre are finished.
Bob’s fellow RFA board member Stuart Kirby – also a consultant on the project – took a group of boys from his Derby Moor Club to try out the courts, and they (Rob Whitehorn, Lewis Keates and John Halligan, as well as Stuart) pronounced them excellent.
Stuart said, “The walls look superb, including some visual texture so no problems with being able to see where they are. The floors are completely true during play and, although they are a bit more grippy than we are used to, we all agreed that they are very good.
“The lads were unconcerned about the glass backs, despite this being the first time that they had encountered them. And, although there were a few shots in which the ball had energy sapped out of it by the flexibility of the glass and did not bounce quite as usual, we all agreed that the effects of the back-wall being glass were minor.”
Last, but not least, Stuart said that the viewing platform and flip-up seats work as expected and look very professional. They will allow an increased number of people to watch the game and also give players somewhere to put their bags!
Bob told us, “What makes these courts unique is their position on the first floor, fitted into the space afforded by the high roof of the Cambridge University Sports Centre. The benefits are enormous, not least the space to insert viewing facilities. The 4'10\" glass back walls will make the game much higher profile than if we had gone for traditional brick walls: I hope we shall see a big uptake of the game next term.”
You can see some photographs of the new courts in the Gallery, and we hope that there will be an official opening of all six courts (work on the three Eton Fives courts is yet to be completed) in due course.