Martin Beaver reports:
02/12/20: The Covid circumstances this year have meant numerous postponements of games at Geelong Gramar School (lockdowns at home then Health Department rules preventing the sharing of gloves).
Dec 1st, the penultimate day of term, saw the finals of the 2020 GGS Eton Fives tournament. Arthur Angliss, for whom the annual Eton Fives challenge cup is named, was in attendance to award the champions, Ned Worboys (A) and Frazer MacDonald (A) the trophy. After a few weeks of play-offs, a sudden death semi-final, Angus Alexander (P) and Archie Burt (CU) saw off Mody Yim (FB) and Oscar Zhang (FB). In the best of three final, the Allen team proved too good. This year's games have seen a significant improvement in play and strategy as the legacy of Andrew Rennie's training tips (from his 2019 visit) have filtered down. Cornices and corners, buttresses and steps, were brought into play with increasing speed and accuracy. Arthur commented that he was transported back to 1960 when he, as a student, won the final. As GGS has the only court in Australia, this makes Ned and Frazer the N/national Champions 2020.