The Team

Posted by System Administrator on 03 Apr 2024

Modified by System Administrator on 22 Apr 2024


Matt Chinery


Richard Black


Gareth Hoskins


Martin Powell


Mandie Barnes


Matthew Beard


Andy Bishop


Charlotta Cooley


Ashley Lumbard


Emily Scoones


Sunil Tailor


Mark Williams


Howard Wiseman

Co-opted trustee

Rachel Wood


Simon Woolfries



The Eton Fives Association is the governing body for the sport of Eton Fives. The sport today is flourishing and expanding into new areas as never before and the EFA aims to promote and support the playing and coaching of Fives at school and adult level wherever there are courts and to explore all possible avenues to create new Fives centres and encourage new players to take up the game.

We are always looking for new people to join the Board or any of the sub-committees and this is a reminder that all members are entitled and indeed strongly encouraged to apply for any position. If more than one person applies for one specific role, such as Chairman, then a vote may be involved. If you would like to apply then please contact Gareth Hoskins either directly or via the CONTACT US link.

EFA Patron: Sir Ian Davis

EFA Vice-Presidents: R.Barber, P.Bowden, C.Davies, R.Dennis, M.Fenn, K.Hughes, R.Knight, G.Stringer, D.Vargas, A.Wagg, D.Whitehead, P.Worth

EFA Sub-Committees and Responsibilities 2023/24


Finance: M.Powell (Chair), C.Davies, N.Jones, R.Black, S.Woolfries, A.Fraser, R.Dennis, S.Tailor

Competitions: M.Williams (Chair), G.Hoskins and others as required

Coaching: G.Hoskins (Chair), J.Green, D.Mew

Nominations & Governance: R.Black (Chair), G.Hoskins, H.Asquith, R.Wood

Marketing, Communications & Membership: S.Woolfries (Chair), A.Knight, G.Hoskins, P.Lyndon, M.Powell, A.Fraser, E.Scoones

Schools Support Forum: G.Hoskins (Co-Ordinator), M.Beard, A.Bishop and others tbc

Ladies: M.Barnes (Chair), R.Wood, A.Lumbard, C.Cooley, K.Hird, E.Scoones, M.Briscoe and others as required

Westway: M.Chinery, M.Powell, M.Till, G.Hoskins + reps from Westway and UK Wallball

FiveStar Project

Director: R.Black

Head of Development A.Knight

Regional Organiser (London): M.Till


Eton Fives Charitable Trust: P.Bowden, C.Davies Other Trustees: D.Vargas, J.Asquith, R.Dennis (Chair), D.Firth, M.Williams

Jesters: W.Skjott

Sport England: R.Black

Sport & Recreation Alliance: G.Hoskins


League: G.Hoskins

Alan Barber Cup: G.Hoskins, M.Williams

Schools' National Championships and Team Competitions: S.Cooley and C.Cooley

EFA Individual Junior Tournaments: G.Hoskins and H.Wiseman

EFA Trophy: G.Hoskins

Kinnaird Cup: G.Hoskins, M.Williams

London Tournament: G.Hoskins

Midlands Tournament: H.Wiseman, D.Redmond

Northern Tournament: G.Hoskins, A.Mitchell

Under 25s Championships: G.Hoskins

Under 21s Championships: G.Hoskins

Universities Tournaments: G.Hoskins

Richard Black Cup: G.Hoskins

Richard Barber Cup: G.Hoskins

Mixed Tournament: G.Hoskins

Graham Turnbull Trophy: G.Hoskins

Veterans Tournament (Shortland-Jones Cup): G.Pulsford

Aberconway Cup ("Fathers & Sons"): G.Hoskins

Ladies Championships: M.Barnes

Peter Boughton Cup (Mixed Team Tournament): E.Garfield-Osen

Strawson Memorial Match (Jesters): W.Skjott


DSL: M.Barnes

Diversity: A.Lumbard

Health & Safety: R.Dennis

Data Protection: G.Hoskins


Website: G.Hoskins

Social Media: G.Hoskins, E.Scoones

Livestreaming/Filming: C.Lumbard

Database: A.Fraser

Newsletters: G.Hoskins

Archives: M.Losse (Highgate School)

Fives Balls: R.Dennis

Merchandising: M.Powell

Laws & Rules: K.Hughes, M.Williams

Board Minutes: G.Hoskins

Direct Debit Administration: A.Fraser, M.Powell

EFA Awards Dinner: G.Hoskins, A.Knight, R.Black