Nether Say Nether Again...

Posted by System Administrator on 16 Dec 2019

Modified by System Administrator on 11 Apr 2024



Tom Griffiths reports:

16/12/19: Benjamin (15), James (13), Joshua (9) and dad Tom Griffiths (age unspecified) have invented Nether Fives, a version of Eton Fives.

Called Nether Fives because we live in Killynether and invented NetherBall first (our version of squashaquets using the court I painted at the end of the shed) and then realised it would be a perfect Fives court because of the ledges and obstacles. I played Fives at Ipswich School and often told my boys about it - and now we have our own Fives Court! We're based now near Belfast in Northern Ireland, making this, so I believe, the only Fives court in Northern Ireland or on the Island of Ireland. Over here they have GAA Handball, similar to Rugby Fives / UK Wallball, but after much discussion with fellow OI Gareth Hoskins, of the Eton Fives Association, we decided to create a hybrid game between Eton and Rugby Fives (no buttress), but stay true to the game I know of Eton Fives with the serve and the cut using the vertical line. We have no buttress, but we have a fire door with a horizontal opening bar that is an obvious target for match winning shots. The boys love it, so maybe we have some Fives players of the future? If any Fives players happen to be in Northern Ireland and bring their gloves you're more than welcome to pop by and try it out! Thanks to Gareth for advising on the set up and assisting with some junior gloves. Nether Fives (patent pending! ?) has landed on the Island of Ireland...!