We are currently looking for people interested in developing their Fives coaching qualifications: There will be another Level 2 Fives Coaching Course over the weekend of September 6/7 2014 in London; this is aimed at experienced Fives coaches, players or Masters in Charge.
Day 1 will be based at Westway Sports Centre and Day 2 at St.Paul's School in Barnes. This is then followed up by an assessment of a coaching session at a time/place to be arranged between you and the course assessor plus the completion of some written work based on the content of the course. The course itself involves a mixture of classroom based work and practical work on the Eton Fives and Wallball courts at Westway and the Rugby Fives courts at St.Paul's.
The cost of the course is c.£340. If you are currently employed as a Fives coach or Master-in-Charge, you may find your employer will be able to cover the cost of the obtaining the qualification. If you would like to know more or explore other possible avenues of funding, please contact Gareth Hoskins by CLICKING HERE.
There are a limited number of places available; please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to book a place on this course. If you have any questions about any aspects of the course or about Fives coaching qualifications in general, feel free to contact Gareth Hoskins by CLICKING HERE.