A Protocol for safeguarding the welfare of pupils and players of the game to help to prevent the catching and spreading of the Coronavirus.
The Coronavirus is a potentially fatal virus. It can be caught at any time, anywhere from unwitting carriers. It is therefore sensible to plan ahead to restrict the spread and potential harm to pupils and players of the game.
Anything a school does by way of restriction must be clear and communicated to parents in advance.
Such restrictions might include the non-selection of players who have returned from the following countries within a period of 14 days prior to any match.
- Italy
- China
- Iran
- South Korea
- Cambodia
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Laos
- Macau
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Singapore
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Vietnam
Sensible instructions for pupils and players to reduce the risk of spreading the virus should include:
- Carry tissues with you at all times
- Use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze
- Bin used tissues as quickly as possible. Schools should ensure that appropriate bins are provided close to the court.
- Wash your hands often with warm water and soap
- Pupils and players should keep their gloves on when shaking hands at the beginning and end of matches
The EFA acknowledges that such advice is changing regularly and the EFA will therefore look to update the protocol at least weekly and more regularly should there be a substantive change in Government, PHE or BSA advice.
Any school or club which wishes to impose more stringent restrictions than those that are expressed in the EFA protocol on either their own or potential opposition players, is of course welcome to do so, but will recognise that such restrictions may result in them being unable to play in some fixtures and tournaments.
March 2020