As part of the fund-raising for the planned new Cambridge Fives courts, the Cambridge University Rugby Fives Club is holding a 24-hour Fives event at St Paul’s School in December. This will start at 4pm on Friday 14th December and run through to the same time on Saturday, and the club is looking for as many people as possible to play and contribute to the money raised.
Anyone who is interested in playing – for as much of the 24 hours as they feel able – is encouraged to sign up by following the link at the bottom of this story. Here, players can enter their name, preferred playing time and how long they want to play for. Even those who have unofficially retired from the game are encouraged to get back on court, even if only for a brief cameo appearance. Food, drink and entertainment (in the form of some excellent Fives) will be on offer, so spectators are equally welcome – as are their cheque books!
The event has come about as a result of a challenge from Bob Dolby, CURFC President, for the boys to raise £5000 towards the ultimate target. If the undergraduates can do such a thing, it will help convince the Vice Chancellor and the other decision-makers to go ahead with the build of the courts.
Many people have already signed up, but more are wanted; they are also encouraged to bring their cheque book to help make the students’ venture a success.
For further information on the appeal, including how to donate, click on the links below. Please note two things: to ensure the money goes to the right place, mark the donation form for 'Fit Out' and 'Rugby Fives' at the top; and, all UK taxpayers should sign the Gift Aid section, as it will allow the University to claim 25% Gift Aid – in other words, making any £100 donation worth £125.
Finally, all those who want to take part should click on the appropriate link below, where they can sign up for as much (or as little) of the 24 hours as they want.
Click here to add your name to the list of those playing, for details of the event and how to donate [Word file 978KB]...
...and here for a donation form [PDF 500KB]